Implementation of Integrated Management Systems: Quality, Environment, Safety and Social Responsibility
Internal Audits to Integrated Management Systems: Quality, Environment, Safety and Social Responsibility
Good Hygiene Practices and Food Safety
Implementation of HACCP Systems
Implementation of Management Systems for Food Safety ISO 22000
System Integration: Food Quality and Safety
Lean Services - Introduction to Methodology
5 S’s
Waste Reduction (MUDA)
Lean Production– Executive
Lean Logistics - Warehouse Organization
6 Sigma
T.O.P.S /8 D : Team Oriented Problem Solving / Eight Disciplines
The 7 Tools of Quality
Strategic Tools for Quality
FMEA - Failure Modes Analysis, its Effects and their Criticality
MASP - Methodology of Analysis and Problem Solving
SMED – Single Minute Exchange of Dies
TPM - Total Productive Maintenance
TrainingWe always try to be one step ahead to best ensure the increase of competitiveness in the labour market.
In this sense, beyond the legal binding, it is necessary to keep employees motivated and to improve their knowledge, leading the company to the achievement of its deserved development and growth.
We are constituted by an appropriately qualified and certified team, which is able to offer training in the following areas:
Security Training in Chemistry Laboratories
Management of Industrial Safety
Implementation of the ATEX Directive
Safe Forklift Operation
Health and Safety at Work Awareness
Safe Handling of Hazardous Materials
Basic Safety Training
Chemical Hazards
Biological Hazards
Noise and Vibrations
Risk Analysis Techniques
Machinery and work equipment safety
Professional Risk Analysis
Analysis of Industrial Risks
Manual Handling of Loads and Working Postures
All of these training options can be carried out on the premises of our client or on our own facilities.
Training can take place during work hours, after work hours or both.